Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Notes from the Future: Missives II

This note is tied to a red fire bucket on the roof of some condominiums near the Iron Horse Trail in Dublin.

Dear Veronica,

If you are reading this note, you are on the roof, hopefully with Max, and you've found the red fire bucket. Note that there is a small stack of supplies here. Put every note from me in the ziploc bag in the backpack. Do that now, then read the rest of this note.

I am glad you are still alive. As you tied Max near the ladder outside the first floor, the last of the barrier between the lake of fire and the canal broke, and flaming water came pouring into the canal. The more water that came in, more of the barrier disintegrated.  You can probably see it now, how it has already reached the back of the condo, and you will hear some screams soon.

The screams are from the others in the first floor back condo. They will probably come toward the roof, because I forgot to tell you to block the door in my earlier note. I am sorry about that. There is mace in the backpack, along with a knife. There are three of them, four if you did not kill the one from the hall.

Because of the nature of time travel and probability, there is a chance that I left a fire axe on the roof as well. If I did, you will find it when you need it most. Please forgive me, I cannot be more direct.

No matter how fascinating the water is, do not turn your back to the way you came up here; stand firm and wait. Above all, make Max stay. They will take him if they can, and you will not be able to save him.

I know you've done some possibly horrible things to get away from that mountainous hill (question answered), and if you're here now it's good that you did those things. But I feel obligated to tell you that you did not have to go to such extremes in every case. In this case, right now, however, you are perfectly prepared. I would suggest macing these fuckers and cutting their jugulars asap. I am sorry that they look like children. I am even more sorry that they look like our children. I can only tell you that it is not true, and that in time this memory will fade and you will question whether it really did happen at all.

You must survive. You and Max must get as far East as you can, and in the tarp under the backpack you will find your only possible salvation.  First, though, you must survive them. They are coming. Put this paper down, stand back up and face the roof you climbed up. Do it NOW, Veronica!

I promise you, there is a sliver of hope.

Yours no matter where or when,


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