So I've been flagged as possible spam. I've asked to have this dealt with; nothing appears to have been done.
I chose over MySpace because I was under the impression that MySpace sucks. Thus far, however, I am more satisfied with MySpace. Which seems strange to me, as I had guessed that any service run by Google would be inherently better than MySpace.
Thus far, I am not impressed. What is going on in's world that this issue cannot be attended to?
Perhaps it has already been attended to, and I simply have not heard anything? I really would prefer some degree of direct, professional communication.
Of course, as I've only got one reader, I'm shouting into the silent void.
Oh Schadrach, Schadrach, where is thy moist and cakey furnace?
© 2009, Edward Hightower. All Rights Reserved.
i can proudly say i have never so much as been to the website