So as the millions of you who read my blog have no doubt noticed, Sam Craig and I have been shooting some improvised sketchy goodness and posting it on YouTube. We've had some comments, a few subscribers -- mostly friends, though I am happy to report that two complete strangers have subscribed. But aside from a billionth of a percent in Ireland about a month ago, all of our viewers have been in the United States.
Until Creation Sticks. For the first time, we have an audience in Argentina. And Australia. Mysterious, no?! Well, perhaps not so much when you consider the tags I've posted for Creation Sticks: "Darwin Intelligent Design Evolution Theory Science Hightower Craig Creationism Kansas Spaghetti Monster Panties". Argentina, of course, is explained by the close proximity of the words Monster and Panties, as any of you who have ever dated an Argentinian woman can attest.
But Australia? I wish I could figure that out. Unbelievers will tell you that Charles Darwin spent some time in and/or around that region of the globe back when he supposedly saw some special birds on a special rock, but you and I both know that neither those birds nor those "islands" as he called them actually exist. Neither, for that matter, did Charles Darwin himself. Charles Darwin was the name of a Bengal Tiger that Robert Louis Stevenson met on a lifeboat after the RMS Titanic sank near Argentina (connection?!). The tiger came from Australia, which is why there's a small town named after her (I know, why would anyone name a tigress Charles Darwin, right? It's those crazy Austalians again!). The town, coincidentally, is named Darwin.
So it's no surprise that people from Australia would agree with our Creation Sticks experiment. After all, how can you disagree with fact?
The great thing about a facts is that you can invent your own. For example, I want it to be a fact that I have a hell of a lot of subscribers to Joygoggles on YouTube. Now that I've invented that fact, you can help me make it a reality by clicking here, registering with YouTube, rating and subscribing to Joygoggles!
A couple of you have already subscribed. But just think: if you think like me, and I think you might, and you know someone who thinks like you -- which means they think a little like me -- then they might think that more people will see the Truth and Light of Creation Sticks and all of our other Scientific Endeavors! Which means you should share this blog and all of Joygoggles with every social networking site of which you are a member.
Join, rate and subscribe. That's all I ask. Plus fellatio from the non-herp hotties.
© 2009, Edward Hightower. All Rights Reserved.
damn you and your distracting hyperlinks!