Friday, January 11, 2013

Notes from the Future: Missives Missed

[The following was neatly folded and pinned via thorns to a rosebush near the entrance to the garden at the Compound; it would only have been found if Veronica had run after Max when he followed the summoning whistle; her name is written on the exterior in big red letters. It has fallen from the thorns and is now becoming part of the mulch beneath the rose, covered with snail tracks and a few leaves. Bugs and water are taking their toll; holes are clearly blank; some form of waterproofing may have kept it in better condition.]

Dear Veronica,

Bold move! Keep     ing to the shed at the t          he garden, circle behind it to the right, thr      he poison oak. Trust m      t rash is better than be        ht. Run!

Hopefull          Max are now in the shallow dugout behind the shed. The poison oak is deliberate. DO NOT TOUC              CE OR EYES. You must be vigi           is point. Again, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE OR EYES. NO MA            HAT.

Hold still               Max. If he g                 m with a firm hug. Do not rub your face on him. Do not rub your face on him. Do not rub yo                   you choose to ignore this and my other warnings, your face and eyes will swell up ov                             ou will be unab               you most need to escape. By now, if you have learned anything at all, you will perh                       y dire warnings are extremely valuable. Please cherish my advice as gos                    unto ye from an observational crux which makes it possible for me to see the variatio            ath.

In the d                               aves, it's actually just oilcloth with leaves as cammo (long story); lift it off and you will find a nasty-look        en crate; inside that crate is a day pack with food and some poison oak cleanser. Follow the in                   tter, starting with your hands and arms. Do not touch your face. Use the e                        en doing anything piss- or shit-related. Please don't make me explain that and don't make me re                    three times.

If you can manage to stay there for three days, I will come for you. The ke              ax quiet while staying silent yourself. If you are disc             ast-Northeast (diagonally away from t                 t corner of the dugout), around the back of the Tor. Wait ther             enter the Tor until well a                 n then, throw some rocks into the Tor before y               en the trees. KEEP MAX W             U AT ALL TIMES.
I will wr                    en I can; you are not the only one who is                g.


  1. The first post of 2013! May there be many more.

  2. Totally agree with Kim on this one! More please. I want more!
