This laminated note is duct-taped to the
back of an END sign on Dry Creek Drive in Dublin, California, near where
the Martin Canyon Creek Trail meets the road; it has rainbow reflective
tape all around it and red and silver reflective metallic tape in
foot long strips splays out from all around it, constantly moving in the breeze and drawing the eye from
miles away.
Dear Veronica,
If you find this
note, you are being extremely stubborn. You have doubtless seen my other
missive on various fence posts along the ridge. I know your current path
falls under the heading of, "What Tad doesn't know won't hurt him," but
NEWSFLASH: what Tad doesn't know can hurt Veronica. Oh, and I do know. Hence this note.
Here's a list of things to consider before you continue down this road to "civilization":
1. Not all of the Mean Greenies know what happened at the Compound. There were some roving bands still hunting among the houses
near the Freeway, and they've since moved South. There are at least two
within a quarter-mile of you.
2. You do not have Max with you. Max is a large black dog. Large black dog = deterrent. Do I really have to explain this?
3. Wildfire. The air's pretty smoky, right? It's Summer, right?
The hills are covered with dry brown grass, right? MOUNT DIABLO HAS
OF YOU, RIGHT? "Oh, I didn't know it was that close. Are you sure?" you
want to ask. Yes, I'm fucking sure! Take this note, turn around and run
back up that trail as fast as you can. IF you go now, you might get to
the ridge before fire closes off the trail. Stop reading, take the note
and go.
4. You should be back on the ridge before you read any further.
Stop reading and keep running, I don't give a shit how much pain you're
in. If you are on the ridge, get onto the West side of it (toward the
left if you're walking back toward the compound, which you should be), a
little below the top. Easier to breathe, possibly. I know you don't
think much about the dangers of smoke inhalation, but once again: listen
to me. Now: guess what creatures live in these hills? Mountain Lions
and Wild Boar. Guess what's roaring up the hills from the East? Fire.
Guess what animals run away from? Fire. Do they want to be your friend,
these animals? I'm guessing no. I'm guessing they are panicked. I'm
guessing you'd better start running North. If you see a Mountain Lion,
make loud noises and throw things, try to scare it away. Do not throw
valuable things, like your water bottles. You will need those. Throw
rocks and sticks. If you see a Wild Boar, just keep running. If there's a
tree you can climb nearby, get into it. Fast. But don't stay too long.
Fire will crest the ridge in two hours.
If you can get
past three of my fencepost notes along the ridge in the next two hours,
you should be safe. Whatever you do, stay within fifty feet of the
ridge. If or when fire crests the ridge, get down the ridge and around
in front of it as fast as you can. This might be terrible advice. But
I'm trying to salvage your terrible decision. Next time, please listen
to me.
I love you even though I am frustrated right now,
this is my favorite format of all the posts, the actual notes from the future. it's a really interesting way to express narrative progress.