It has been a really long time since I've written anything. This is largely because I have been involved with several large projects, both theatrical and cinematic. They took a great deal of my time, certainly. But the reason I wasn't writing was because I was so frustrated with the projects that I hesitated to write anything at all, out of not wanting the producers of the various projects to know what I thought of what was going on. Not that I think anyone reads this blog, but one never knows. Six subscribers, yes, but perhaps a malevolent person lurking and searching for more reasons to accuse me of things.
Look at that: even now, I am so hesitant to say anything about what was going on that I start with a direct statement and then alter it at least three times until the final product is so confusing that wonderful people associated with either project could find themselves wondering if they were the cause of my deep and abiding stress-angst in 2011.
Here we are in 2012, and my year ended with the most horrific event I have ever personally experienced -- and it did not even happen physically to me. And now, a new event: just this morning, I learned that my nephew, Jackson, was attacked and beaten last night at Rockridge BART. He is generally okay, there seems to have been a concussion of some sort, and though I haven't seen him yet, I have spoken to my brother who tells me that Jack is much improved from last night.
So, when I look back at all the shitfuck assness of what I had to endure artistically in 2011, it is nothing next to the fact that Veronica is alive and well, Jackson is recovering, and we still have a roof over our heads. I know I will need to find a way to express the rage that still smolders in me from 2011, but for now I am just happy that my family is intact. If you've met them, you know what I'm talking about. Individually and as a group, my family is wonderful. We all have our foibles, but they're what make us who we are; in my family, we accept everyone's foibles and love them in spite -- and often because of -- those things which in other groups would make them intolerable.
I am a fine example of this. The things I say at family dinners get howls of laughter; I tried one of the same lines at a subscriber event for Solano College and quickly learned that the best way to make subscribers leave you alone is offer to show them the scabs on your taint. Chris Guptill, take note.
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