Thursday, May 31, 2012

Notes from the Future: Veronica's Journal, June 24 (much later)

June 24
Much, much later

The first woman to come see me I call Nice Rachel. She is the one who spoke up back there on the ridge. She said they should help us. She looks me directly in the eye and asks practical questions. She also brought me my food and tasted some of it to prove it wasn't poison. I think she even made a joke, said something like, "If I've already drunk the Kool-Aid, it's not going to matter if I put some in your soup," and it made me laugh and she laughed too, but quietly. So it was hard to tell if she meant it as a joke.

I asked her about Tad and she said he was doing well. Actually, she said, "He's stable," which set my nurse bells ringing. I could tell she had more to say but maybe couldn't say it. Or won't say it yet. She squeezed my hand and I asked if there was any news of the aftermath, if there was a way I could listen to a radio or something. She just stared at me. For a long time. I almost wondered if they are anti-media here, but then she squeezed my hand again and went out.

The soup was chicken soup, homemade, with parsnips. Just the way Tad makes it. Are these bastard people reading my mind and trying to make me go insane? I assume it's a coincidence, but man. Parsnips.

A woman came in to take away the dishes. I call her Pre-Menstrual Rachel. She scowled at me and darted her eyes around the room like she thought I was hiding birds just out of her peripheral vision. She was so creepy and suspicious that I couldn't help it, I said, "Mad Meg of the Marshes!" to her. It's an inside joke, but I said it the way Tad does and she stopped dead, staring at me like I had a python crawling out of my mouth. I haven't seen her since she left with the dishes.

Ezekiels, by the way, do not enter a Rachel's room. Only the Prophet may enter a Rachel's room. That's something Nice Rachel told me.

A little while ago, Shy Rachel came in. She's maybe fifteen. I can tell she's scared of me, but she wants to talk. She said that Rachel is getting me a TV, then she asked if there is anything I need. I thanked her and mentioned that Max needs water and food and her eyes lit up when he wagged his tail at her. Max grins at people and they get happy. He walked over to her in that way he has and she looked at the door for a long moment before she knelt down and rubbed his ears, looked into his eyes, scratched his chin and then held him close. He sat still for all of it, noble and yielding. Like he knew she needed this. And Shy Rachel was completely silent the whole time. She hardly breathed. With tears flooding her face. She's been gone a while. I am really, really tired.

Future Veronica, if you read this and can't remember it? Check your ears for brain-control bugs.

That's all for now.

Notes from the Future: Veronica's Journal

June 24
Late. After midnight.

They took my phone and I don't have a watch. 

I don't know where Tad is, and I'm pretty freaked out. When he passed out after puking all over himself and the car, I was about ready to let that creepy Prophet guy bite off my pinkie, then get Max, turn the car around and coast down the other side of this mountain. Or hill. What is the difference? That's a question I would ask Tad. He would know the answer. He seems to know everything, but that's bullshit. He wants to know everything. Sometimes I think he wants other people to believe he knows everything. I would be happy to listen to him expound on the nature of mountains and then get sidetracked with a four-hour story about the John Muir Trail and this one spot where this amazing thing happened.  He's so full of himself. I love him and he is the biggest pain in the ass. Ever.

If there was ever a time that I would need him in pure Tad form, it would be now. He thrives on disasters. He lives for this shit. Why is he injured? He's supposed to be getting us through this. He has a plan mapped out for the Zompocalypse. He may have even had a plan mapped out for this earthquake. I ignored it. So I guess this is pretty much all my fault. I did not want to just leave without knowing where my family and the rest of his family are.  If we had left when he wanted to and taken the weird-ass route stuck to the lemon tree, we would be asleep in a bed at the cabin by now. Man, I really fucked this up. 

I just said that aloud and Max, whose head is in my lap, looked up at me, very serious, then put his head back in my lap and sighed. A deep dog sigh. I swear he understands me and agrees. I cried a little, earlier. Maybe I cried a lot. Max came and sat next to me and snuggled up to me. I love this stinky dog.

Watching those two people drive Tad up here in our car was weird. Max and I were escorted here by a contingent of Mean Greenies. They were very nice. Goosebumps-on-your-soul nice. I may have cried on that walk up, and one of the ladies put her hand on my arm. It was comforting, until she started to sing about the Light of Green. It went something like this:

Oh the Light of Green
It says Go and Grow
Oh the Light of Green
It's a row to hoe ...

Then some stuff about the Prophet and his word and the tron-a-lons and something, but I was concentrating on not falling down. I felt really weak until they brought me some food. Tad and I haven't eaten for hours. Hadn't. I asked if they fed him, nobody would say.

This is a very nice house, everyone is nice here, but they all have the same names. The women are Rachel and the men are Ezekiel. I tried to introduce myself but they very politely cut me off. It's like the time I offered a shot of Tequila to one of Kayleigh's Mormon friends. They make me feel that I have betrayed them -- but more myself -- by saying my name is Veronica.

Max and I are in a small room, carpeted, with a small cot. It feels like it may have been a walk-in closet at one time, but now it's just very cozy. I actually wouldn't mind staying here in this room for a while, it makes me feel safe, except I feel like I need to stay awake in case they sneak in while I'm sleeping to put brain-control bugs in my ear.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Notes from the Future: The Ridge, Part II

[Excerpted from audio journal]

[Engine idling, rustling, Edward breathing heavily through his nose]

Veronica: Max, good boy, look who's pooping right there, oh my God that's a lot of poop.

Edward: Max, I would say good boy to you, too, and I do!

Voice: And Azazel said let the dogs be the signs, let the dogs lead the sinful to their reward. And the dogs did lead the sinful to their reward. And their reward was just.

Veronica: Oh God ...

[crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crakc rka ckra crka ckra ckr akc rka ckr akc rka ckr akc rka ckr akc krak ckr akc rkakc rka akc rka ckrkakc rakc rka ckrakc rka ckrakc krak ckar akc rka ckra kakcr ak ckra kckrak ckr akckarkkckarkadfkckarkfcckarkc cfrack]

Edward: That's a lot of Mean Greenies. Not creepy at all.

Veronica: Shhh.

Edward: Who's the ugly hippie with the scraggly beard?
              Dude, that's my dog. Let go of his leash.

Veronica: Max, come.

Voice: And the sinful did beg for their dog. And the Prophet did ask that they pay a toll. But the sinful evaded the toll. And the dogs did lead the sinful to the Prophet. And the Prophet asked nicely.

Minions: And the Prophet asked nicely.

[Wind, car idling.]

Edward: Does anyone have some turkey? I am really hungry.

Veronica: Max. Come.

Voice: And the reptoraptorons cowled for their hungers!

Minions: And the reptoraptorons cowled for their hungers!

Edward: The Decepticons whatwho, now?

Voice: And the Prophet offered them their freedom. If they would but pay a toll.

[Wind, car idling.]

Veronica: What is the toll?

Voice: And the Whore did ask of payment. And the Prophet was kind and did lick his choppy chompers, for he knew it was almost time. 

Minions: For he knew it was almost time.

Edward: Do you guys say everything he says? (Do you guys say everything he says?)

Voice: And the Man was Lost! And the Man was Confused! And the Prophet asked if they would pay this toll!

Veronica: What is the toll?

Voice: And the Whore did ask of payment again. For she was a Whore.

Edward: Hey.
              Anyone here ever eaten dog food? Because I am famished.

[Sound of Edward rummaging one-handed as Voice speaks:]

Voice: In a land without certainty, there can be no Government. In a land with no Government, there can be no currency. In a land with no currency, there can be no payment. Save flesh.

Edward: Sounds messy.

Veronica: What do you mean, "flesh"?

Edward: Dude, are you guys sex cultists?! Do you have any redheads?! I would totally join a sex cult with a high percentage of willing firecrotch!

Voice: And the Sinful were confused and stupid, as are all the Sinful in this land. For they did not understand the Prophet, who spoke of one thing. One nibble. One bite. One fleshly taste the key to freedom, the open door just one mouthful away. 

[Car idling. Wind.]

Edward: Christ, my head hurts. I taste blueberries. Maddening.

Veronica: Who does the biting?

Voice: The Whore understands. The Whore, perhaps, wishes to pay the price? The Prophet has feasted on whores this night, their flesh though tainted is savory.

Edward: Do you floss between whores? Seems prudent.

Veronica: We are not paying any toll.

Voice: And the Sinful were ignorant. And the genitals of the dogs looked sweet. And the Prophet was ready to exact any toll. And the dogs were leashed and they could not escape. And the Prophet suggested that the Sinful reconsider.

Veronica: The Sinful need to confer.

Voice: The Prophet is nothing if not magnanimous.

[Footsteps as V returns to car, creaking car and seats as she leans in; voices sotto until otherwise indicated:]

Edward: Do I understand this fucker?

Veronica: I think he was the one biting people at Bollinger.

Edward: How the fuck does he have Max? And how did they get up here so quickly? Can we run him down without hurting our boy?

Veronica: Too risky. And we're not a tank.

Edward: Attitude is everything.

Veronica: What?

Edward: Lot o morphine.

Veronica: Still? I may have given you too much.

Edward: No sugh thing, monkey lady. Oop, eep ooop.

Voice (shouting): See how the Sinful plan to abandon their boy! See how they conspire to feed him to us?!

Edward (shouting right back): And the Prophet did shut the fuck up!

[Gasps from the Mean Greenies; sound of V getting out of car; driver's door still open.]

Voice: O False Prophet!The Sinful carry no currency! Let us take what payment we choose!

Veronica: Give us our dog!

Voice: Pay the price!

Edward: And Azazel did say unto him, be ye now the True Prophet! And he did hom-a-nom-a-nom-a-hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana-ding!-bang!-zoom!-hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana-om-nom-nom-dot-com-and AZAZEL did say unto them, those who doubt this false prophet, this Cannibal!, let ye now listen donkey! The Walter Cronkey! The frangle-prangle snood of Truth!

Veronica (sotto): Honey ... 

 Voice: And the Worshipful did Know Falsehood When They Heard It!

Edward: And -- yeeeeesh -- and the False Prophet's words did Sicken the True Prophet -- but the Rinkledank was Cranked in the Frankhole -- ! Oh, fuck ...

[Edward vomits again, messily, all over himself.]

Veronica: Eeew, oh God, that's gross.

Edward (between heaves): And huuuuaaauughhh [splash], the Darkness of the False Prophet! [splaaaaaash] Did so disgust [splash, gasp, cough, choke, splaaash] the True Prophet! That he did vomit up his soooooul -- [splash, heeeeeave] -- and those among them that had Doubt, also had Pity --

Voice: The Judgement of the Prophet found the sinful lacking --

Edward: Bringle-brangle sassafras, John Chomley, John Chomley, Louise! Jones! So saith the Lord! Rakataka! Rakataka! Chinamen on the MOOOOOOON! That way lies only Brinkle-Brankers, Ran-Tronkerous Fust-Ooblefweeks!

Voice: The Prophet seeth the truth --

Edward: Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Voice: The Prophet --

Edward: Rrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamalama-Ding-Dong!

Voice: The --

Edward (opening passenger door, struggling to get out): AAAAAA! My LEG! False Prophecy has broken my leg! I am burned by falsehood! Do none have pity? None at all? Shall there be no firecrotch to soothe my yersty spoogle?! Smaka-laka-smaka-laka-smaka-lakalaka-smaka-laka-smaka-laka-smaka-laka-smaka! YeeeeeOOOOUUUUUCH!

[Voices have begun to murmur from among the Mean Greenies.]

Voice: Ignore this interloper! Be not appeased! Be not sated! Hunger for his dog's genitals, as do I!

Edward (very fast, shaking as with seizure): Ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh ...

Lady Minion: He's got the Tremors!

Voice: No!

Man Minion: He's a Prophet of the Lord!

Edward: The Flaming Mountain is the first Sign! The earth shall quake again, and the Faithful shall get their reward! As the Mountain spews Lava to cleanse the world of Wickedness, so the True Prophet ...
              ... oh, honey ... there's beehives in my brain ...

[Rustle, slide, thump as iPhone is dropped to car floor.]

Veronica: You should let us go.

Woman Minion: You cannot go, if he is a Prophet.

Voice: He is not a Prophet! I am the only Prophet.

Man Minion: How do we know that?!

[Chorus of mingled assent and derision from Minions]

Woman Minion: Maybe he was meant to cross the Gorge! Maybe he was sent to us! It could be a test, and there is only one way to find out! Do you want to risk our souls, here and now at the end of everything? Can we let fear and judgement guide our every moment? What reward will come of that?

Voice: You dare! You dare to Question! The Word of the Prophet is Law!

[Low rumble, growing louder, sounds like an 18-wheeler grinding gears uphill on a steep, steep grade; rustling as car shakes; Minions cry out in alarm, Max is barking in terror; even louder reports, sounds of great explosions from far away; voices raised in dismay, terror, some are singing Hymns of praise. Prophet is trying to shout them down the whole time, though his words are lost in the jumble of sound; after a time things calm down and this can be discerned among the rest of the sounds:]

Woman Minion: And I see it in a vision from the Lord. The Mountain spits more Fire! The Earth shakes, as he said! I see it in a vision from the Lord. The Earth has shaken again, and yet we are safe! We are all safe. This man needs our help. His presence may have saved us. We must help him, it is our duty as the Faithful.

Man Minion: She may be right!

Voice: She may be wrong. What then, O Faithful Ones!? What then?!

Man Minion: Look at his leg. How can he hurt us? His wounds are getting infected. 

Voice: ... Let us not fear the Weak. Wise words, Ezekiel.

Woman: I feel we can help these people see the One True Way. They came to us.

Voice: The Prophet will consider these words. Ezekiel, take the woman and her dog to the Compound. Rachel, drive their car to the compound. Ezekiel, go with her so she is not tempted to fellate the injured sinner like the Slut each woman carries in her darkest heart.
           The Prophet will wait here with Ezekiel, Ezekiel, Rachel and Ezekiel. The rest of you are to spread out. They may have others following them. Wait in the shrubs and ditches, waylay any interlopers.
           Rachel is not to feed or water the injured sinner. She is only to move him into the compound. The woman and the dog may be kept together, the more easily to pay the toll should anyone be found to have followed.
           Go now, Children of the Prophet. Be stealthful and divide.

[Voices murmur indistinct as minions do the Prophet's bidding; we hear Veronica say, "Max. Good boy ..." and a male voice say, "This way, Ma'am ..." as the driver's seat flips forward and someone crawls into the back of the car; driver's seat is flipped back, someone sits in the front seat; driver's door is closed. Car is put in drive, easing forward, gravel crunching under tires. After a time, as voices fade behind the car:]

Rachel: That was close.

Ezekiel: Shhh.

Rachel: They can't hear us.

Ezekiel: Caution is best.

Rachel: Diagnosis?

Ezekiel: Fever, definitely infection. We need to keep him hydrated.

Rachel: Do you think ...

Ezekiel: What?

Rachel: What he said about the mountain and an earthquake, and then it happened, seconds later.

Ezekiel: Do I think he's an actual prophet? No. I think he's an injured man, desperate to survive, grasping at straws. And lucky.

Rachel: Maybe we are lucky, too. This could be just what we need.

Ezekiel: Shhh ...

[Car braking, slowing, idling; footsteps on dirt and gravel.]

Guard: The Sinful Must Pay.

Rachel & Ezekiel: So Saith The Prophet.

Guard: Who's he?

Rachel: Prophet says he's to be cared for. He spoke True Words tonight, before the Mountain spat again.

Guard: But ...

Rachel: We follow the Word of the Prophet. Do you?

Guard: ... So Saith The Prophet.

Rachel & Ezekiel: So Saith The Prophet.

[Car moving as chain-link gate is dragged, creaking, over gravel and dirt.]

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Notes from the Future: The Ridge, Part I

June 24
12:42 am

Veronica is out there in the darkness. I can hear her footsteps, hear her calling Max. She left the flashlight here. I call out to her, or I think I do. Pretty sure I called out to her. I go to roll down my window and there's a grinding, crunching sound. Ah, yes: the window is already down. Mostly embedded in my right arm, scattered on the floor and melted onto the rock and shovel that, for all I know, may still be smoking in the middle of the street somewhere in San Ramon. There's also a pretty good chance that they burned up. Or have melted into the tasties of lava soup.

I'm was feeling pretty funny at the moment. Not so much ha ha, but as though I was inside a constant deja vu when I sat on the ridge and am calling for V to come back. I know this feeling. I am having it as I sit on our couch last January and waited for V and Edith to get back, it is as though I was remembering other peoples' versions of my memories of right now. I feel very dizzy.  When was the last time I am eating breakfast and I'm packed and Veronica is angry at Edward for wanting to go, was that it?

"Veronica, come back and let's follow him in the car! It has brighter lights than you do," I shouted and she's right there next to me, buckling her seat belt.

"I know, ass, you've been yelling that since I got out of the car," she murmurs this, and turned to look at me. "I also heard you saying, 'Dizzy, not again,' or something like that. So. What's up. You freaking out on me, Mister?" Her voice, hard with businesslike nursey zeal, breaks for a moment into panic and made me see clearly how scared she is. Edward stared at her a moment, blinking, thinking, 'In a movie, try not to blink.'

"I'm dizzy. Don't freak out. It's like that thing last January, where I went to the hospital. My head doesn't hurt ... as much. I don't think I noticed it hurts until just now. Where's Max the Wonderdog, please can we find him first I'm sorry I didn't grab his leash as he passed me, his tail whacked me in the eyes and I was distracted," I say and she is concerned about me, I could see it in her eyes.

"I thought you were grabbing his leash, honey, I'm just as much to blame. Let's get our boy and get you some food," she turned the key and the car comes awake, clear and bright with relatively new headlights. Edward is pleased I replaced them both in February.

There is a rumbling sound. V braked. The car vibrated like it's on a paint shaker.

"Holy shit, we're on top of a ... " she started, but the rumbling trails off, and I am so dizzy. It was worse now.

She drives forward and I clicked the flashlight on, shining it out to the right. To the East. We should be far away in the mountains right then. I glance ahead and Max ran across the road, just on the edge of the spill from the headlights. "There!" I shout or we 

The car stopping she car door open standing Max! Come! I yell it too. No Max. Want a biscuit? No Max. Dark here. Seems like smoke blocked fire light I'm checking iPhone it was charged what is my security code? Password to first yahoo email addy was all Edward could remember and his sister-in-law passed him a plate of stuffing just as Jeff told Grandpa that they were naming their second child Jamal. Everyone laughed, even Mom, though her laughter had that just-a-little-too-loud-because-I'm-slightly-panicked quality to it. They did not name him Jamal they why is there someone there in the dark I remember the code and the phone was open i hit voice memo my head hurts so much it is recording

"Tad, where is the flashlight?!" 

"The flashlight is in my fucking hand but so is a plate of stuffing and turkey and you have no fucking idea what it's like to want to eat that shit right now, so fuck the fuck off and get me some fucking turkey! That was totally unreasonable of me! I have NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!" i am staring at the button Edward could not remember how to turn it

"Max, good boy, look who's pooping right there, oh my God that's a lot of poop," she laughing

"Max, I would say good boy to you, too, and I do!" but someone else is talking someone in the dark behind Max said and Azazel and Azazel what does that mean and the ground shaking rumble

crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crakc rka ckra crka ckra ckr akc rka ckr akc rka ckr akc rka ckr akc krak ckr akc rkakc rka akc rka ckrkakc rakc rka ckrakc rka ckrakc krak ckar akc rka ckra kakcr ak ckra kckrak ckr akckarkkckarkadfkckarkfcckarkc cfrack


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Notes from the Future: Beyond the Gorge, Part III

[The following is comprised of journal entries made in the days following the quake.]

June 23
11:49 pm

V just woke or seemed to. She murmured something like, "Sweetie, I'm sorry we didn't go to the mountains. I didn't believe the gas tank."

"What do you mean, you didn't believe the gas tank?"

"The note is in my purse."

Then she turned away and went back to sleep. 

In her purse there is a treasure trove of Morphine and syringes. This is very tempting. Other mysteries: her journal. I was not aware. A roll of cash larger than my fist. Now I know why she always said we couldn't go to the movies. Folded up in her wallet is a note; I know this note; it's been around a long time. On the front, the side I know:


On the other side:

I write this note hoping you will trust
that sometimes things that cannot be
seen or touched matter more than
things that are right there in front of us.
Trust that I know what I am talking 
about. Trust that I know how to get
us safely East and that we should go.
Now. If all else fails, trust my dreams. 
Even if -- and especially when -- I do not.
Ask me where this note is from if you
do not believe the warning on the lemon

I wake her immediately: "Honey, where was this note?"

"In the gas tank," she whispers, only half aware. "I was going to pump the gas first, remember, but you took over when I went in to buy the Red Bulls."

"In the tank itself?"

"No, on the gas cap. Okay," she sits up, slowly, watchfully, eyes scanning the smoke. "Now I'll ask: where did that note come from?"

And it hits me. Hard. If she had shown me this note, if she had trusted its message, everything would be different right now. I'm shivering. Nerves? Fever? I don't know.

"Veronica, that note is -- or was -- in my Baby Book. At my parents' house. Remember the notes Lizzie and Torie and I were writing and hiding in each others' baby books?"

She laughs, "'Our [Alien] Child, A Gift from [The Lords of Darkness]."

"Do you remember seeing this note before, 'Torie Eats Bugs'?"

She's thinking. Then I see it in her eyes.

"Yes. You wrote it, what, in High School? Early college? The one you always hide in her luggage."

"Yes. And when was the last time you saw it?"

"When we were at your parents' house. Two days before the quake. I put it in your Baby Book on top of the other notes. Right before we left."

I just sit, looking at her. Waiting for it all to land.

She's looking out into the night and I'm about to say something when we hear a child cry out, "Mommy, I want my blankie!"

It echoes in the vaguely orange night. Unfortunately. My window, broken, lets in everything.

We hear a woman's voice whispering, frantic, " ... honey, we'll get you another one, I promise, we just have to go now before the people come ... "

Veronica is gripping my hand vise-like and I am barely breathing. It's the house across the street, I don't know if it's smoke I see or people, but I think a family is getting into that SUV.  If they know where to go, maybe we can follow them. If they know how to escape, maybe V will listen to me now and we can be at the cabin by tomorrow. 

"Honey, can we coast over there without turning on the engine? Maybe I can tell them we're here. Let them know there are more --"

Green light blossoms in the trees near their mailbox.

"Oh my God," Veronica barely breathes.

Then in the middle of the street about 50 yards away.

Then in the yard to our left, about 15 feet from us.

Veronica's hand is so tight on mine that I cannot feel my fingers. I think I must be squeezing hers just as much.

Another, and another, and still more. It looks like there are about forty of them out there, they've been standing there in the dark, waiting. All this time. I was right. Was I? I think I was.

A woman's wailing scream is cut off by a man's curt voice, and headlights blaze as the engine roars to life suddenly, diminishing the green glowsticks; all of the Mean Greenies shade their eyes and the SUV revs its engine then tears out of the driveway, heading to our left. Down the hill. Toward the dirt road we came in on. The Mean Greenies go running after the SUV en masse. I wish I could have told that family that there was no escape via Bollinger. I see a street sign clearly illuminated: Ashbourne. 

"Holy shit. Honey. We're on one of the streets. We're on Ashbourne. I remember. We need to get to ... Castleville, Castleway -- something -- we should go. We should go, we should go, we should go," I'm frantic but trying to be quiet. I see one Mean Greenie hesitating, turning back. So does V.

"What if he sees us?" Veronica loves to doubt me.

"Run him down. These are not the Nazgul!" I shout this and the Mean Greenie snaps his head in our direction. "Honey, go right, go up the hill, just keep going up the hill no matter what. We have to get to the ridge, to the dirt road."

V primes the gas, turns the key, and as our trusty Honda blazes to life I hear the Mean Greenie singing in a loud, braying monotone, "The itsy-bitsy spider crawls up the water spout!" 

One or two of the Mean Greenies at the back of the pack turn. 

Veronica puts the car in drive and floors it as the Mean Greenie is pointing at us, braying, "Down comes the rain to wash the spider out!"

We hear other voices join in, distantly, similarly broken and practically screaming the words as V is turning right out of the long driveway, fishtailing momentarily, she corrects and the back left corner of the car tags the Mean Greenie who saw us, sending him flying into the driveway of the house of the escaping family. He cries out when he thuds/crunches and Veronica and I utter almost the exact same grim, satisfied laugh. It would be better if he never made sound again.

We are silent for a short time. It feels like we are escaping, like we may make it. But neither of us wants to say. Then V says, "What were the others screaming? Green shines the sun ... ?"

"I think it was, 'Green shines the sun that never dries the rain,' but I didn't hear the rest -- go left!"

"Didn't we just come from Ashbourne?!"

"Ashbourne Circle, this is Ashbourne Drive. For fuck's sake, woman, listen to me!"

"I am listening, I already turned left! Jesus, you are such an asshole!"

"Jesus is not an asshole, don't hurt his feelings!"

She laughs, glances at me a little mad that I made her laugh. We are approaching another street, she automatically drives close to the curb so I can shine the flashlight on the street sign.

"Henley. Keep going," I say. She does, and and the next right is Winsford, and we keep going. The next right is Whittenham. We keep going. V is doubtful.

"Castleville? Isn't that a Facebook game? Do you want to stop and listen to the recording?"

"Just drive, woman!" 

The road is curving left and as it does so, the entire San Ramon Valley opens up before us. We were so focused on the road and getting up the hill that we forgot some things. Now we are reminded and Veronica slows the car as we see it. Mt. Diablo, somehow larger, spewing lava down a great gash in its southwest flank, just like the guy on the radio said. The entire mountain is on fire. All of the surrounding hills are burning, everything in the path of the lava is burning, all the houses and businesses between the mountain and the gorge in San Ramon and Danville, everything in the path of the lava to the gorge; it even appears as though a further gorge has possibly opened in the earth between what was 680 and the mountain, but there is no way to tell from here, at night, in all this smoke. The air is a little clearer this high up, and now I understand where the orange light came from: the lava from the mountain has given fresh life to the lava and chemicals in the gorge; where they meet, there is a great steaming, roiling, bubbling mass of flame, and the fire seems to me growing stronger upriver as well. Nothing about this is good. Even if we survive, what are we inhaling now?  The car is still, idling, as we stare at this thing that could not, should not happen.  I even asked my uncle Edward about it, once, and he chuckled at me and said, "No. The likelihood of Mt. Diablo erupting is about as high as the likelihood of your Inner Earth theories panning out."  We watch it, silent, in awe, for longer than we should. We are watching when something reignites the lake of petrochemicals in Pleasanton and the night is lit by a giant orange mushroom of flame and some kind of vapor and it looks for all the world as though a dragon should be rearing its head and roaring in that deadly cloud of fire.  But there are no dragons.  Only seismically unfit refineries on unstable ground next to major waterways.  I look at the car clock and we've been sitting here for twenty minutes.

"Honey. Let's go," I say. 

She sighs. "If there were no Mean Greenies, we could maybe make camp and watch the world end," she turns and looks at me. There is hope in her eyes, and resignation. Maybe tears, too. That might just be from the smoke.

"There are Mean Greenies. And we have a long road, yet, until we find my parents and your dad and ... everyone else we've set out to find."

A sudden stab of pain cuts through the dull throb and I can't breathe or talk. V shifts the car into reverse, backs up a little, puts it in drive and we pass an embankment covered in trees and then there it is, a right hand turn and we both say the name at the same time:


"It's a court?" V asks as we turn onto the street we've been aiming for for what seems like our entire lives.
"She said there's a dirt road. Just go. Might be a gate. If there is, crash it."

Cliffecastle goes up and around a bend to the right, but as we're driving up toward that bend, it looks for a moment as though we are driving straight into the flaming maw of Mt. Diablo, an illusion created by the smoke, the darkness, the size of the flames as this once peaceful valley is devoured. We both go, "Whooooooah," as we head toward that high bend in the road, and then we take the bend and the mountain is behind us and we are driving up, up, on a single lane in the darkness, and there's fresher air coming to us from over the hills, from over this ridge, from the other side where the fishkill may have eliminated any purpose to our journey. We know this. We keep driving.

We reach the end of the court -- there are no houses here. We keep driving, the road is still paved; we pass a service road branching to the right, and we keep going, and now the road is gravel. It clings to the side of what feels like a mountain, now, similarly to Morgan Territory Road back in Livermore. That makes me wonder aloud, "Do you think Morgan Territory is burning?"

V sighs, and says nothing.

Now the road is dirt, but hard-packed, and we're on a long semi-straightaway headed for the ridge. As the road curves right onto the spine of the ridge, I see a faint track to the left of the road.

"That's it! I think that's the road!"

"That? Are you sure? Doesn't look good for an 88 Honda Accord," and I can see her looking up the ridge toward ... inexplicably, lights. 

"Veronica. Re-read the note."

She hesitates. I've had it in my hand this whole time, I realize. I hand it to her. She reads it silently, then looks at me, silent.

"We take this road, Veronica. This is the way Nadine said. She warned us about the houses up here, remember?"

"Yes," she sighs, and her voice trembles a little. "But you're really badly injured. You need care. Maybe someone up there has more medical training."

"This is the point in the horror movie when you would tell the girl on the screen to shut the fuck up and drive," I say.

She laughs. "Okay, mister Bossypants. We take the bumpy dirt road going downhill into complete darkness in a leaking, hissing antique Honda. Best. Plan. Ever."

We both laugh.

"But first," I say, handing her her purse, "You're going to inject me with five or six shots of Morphine."

"Sweetie, that's a lot!" she is shaking her head.

"And that's a bumpy-ass dirt road in the dark," I say, bracing my right foot and trying to lift my pelvis and pull down my pants enough that she can get to my asscheek.

I hate injections. She does them well, but I hate them. She is quick, she is merciless, it is clean. I start to feel better, just a tiny bit better. 

Which gives me a very good idea:

"Honey, we should let Max out to pee."

Veronica agrees and stops the car, opens her door and gets out.

In a flash, Max has bounded out of the car, smacking me in the face with his tail, and is off in the wide, wild, unlit darkness of the mountainside, a black dog in the darkest of nights.

We both yell, "MAX!" 

Veronica goes running after him. Into the darkness. Alone.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Notes from the Future: Beyond the Gorge, Part II

[The following is comprised of journal entries made in the days following the quake.]

June 23
10:15 pm

I am trying to read the atlas in the dark; we have no safe light source. The streetlights are out again. I keep falling asleep, in spite of the pain. V doesn't know my leg is broken. I haven't told her, will not tell her. I'm trying to stay awake, but waking and dreaming are blending and it's getting weird. There is so much smoke, it's almost impossible to tell what outside is real. I thought I saw someone standing out there in the dark, looking at us, beckoning frantically for us to come out, come out, and pointing up, up the hill. So frantic. I was going to wake V, but whoever it was, if it was in fact anyone, disappeared.

Shortly after we turned onto Norris Canyon Road, the lights went out. All streetlights, all house lights.  It became very difficult to see anything.  Smoke has been getting thicker all night. I found some dryer sheets in the glove box, a fresh package. I shoved a bunch in each air vent of the car. Now it smells like someone put a barbecue in the dryer.

A landslide blocked Norris a short ways in; we got lost trying to find our way around it. There was a way that people had been driving, but it took us back into residential streets that went toward Bollinger, so V turned around and I think we were on Derby (?) when she took a dirt road we drove past a water tank and then ended up here in this really nice neighborhood.

I can't remember the streets Nadine told us. I am recharging the iPhone so that I can listen back. It died sometime after crossing the gorge.

That gorge is terrifying. Deep like Indiana Jones would need a rope bridge to cross. Deep like Depak Chopra would have Seven Spiritual Laws of Vagueness to share. Deep like donkey vagina for Thanksgiving dinner.  ??  That's the Morphine talking, Ma.  I'm cuckoo for coca puffs, I'm morphing from Morphine. I'm meh, moving back to the gorge:

It really is a river of fire. The smoke and sky above it are lit from below, it looks like the Balrog might summer there. And it's not just smoke, there's steam -- probably more steam than smoke. What I saw, looking down into the gorge, was flaming water and what looked like fresh lava. Which is impossible, if it came from Mt. Diablo, because that only just erupted. Was there already lava in the gorge? I hadn't heard that anywhere. So we turned on KQED before we found Norris.  From all reports, the lake of fire in Pleasanton is only spreading Eastward, not a word about the lava in the gorge.  Pleasanton burns. Too bad, lovely homes. Dublin is mostly under burning water. No great loss. Horrid architecture. Sad for people, unless they all became Mean Greenies.

There were Mean Greenies (MG's) in the streets off Bollinger when we found ourselves there. That's why V just drove straight instead of heading back to the landslide on Norris. We could see their green lights bobbing around, it looked like they were looking for something, spreading out in very organized ranks. Little weird. How did they get across Bollinger? 680? They must have been going up Norris on foot while we were turned around by the landslide, we saw some when we were

There's one outside. Across the street. I see the glowstick. Can't tell man or woman. Moving slow, seems to be looking back and forth, I think hands outstretched as though feeling its way in the dark. Weird.

We are hidden behind a tarped pile of dirt or somesuch in a driveway. These driveways are long. Set back from the road. We are facing out. Did I already write this? I feel like I did.

11:22 pm

I must have slept. The MG is gone. I hope. V still sleeps. Can't remember when to wake her. Afraid to sleep, if I snore they might hear me.

It feels so still outside.

But I feel as though I was awakened by sound.

Light is changing. It's nowhere near dawn ...

Oh. Shit. Fire getting bigger from Diablo, from flaming river, houses must be burning near the gorge. I can see some details outside the car.

And there are trees -- no, not trees.

Looks like people? Can't see any green, though.

I think there are four of them. Spread out. Standing still. Are they watching me? Two on a neighbor lawn, one near the end of this driveway, one near mailbox of house across street.

If they are MG's, there will be more around. We will have to escape but I don't want to be followed again.

Orange light growing brighter.

I have a sinking feeling.

Trapped. If so, why are they so still? What are they waiting for?

Are there thousands just beyond that corner of the house? Is there any point in running?

I have to be imagining this. One just moved. Trapped, or am I freaking out? I feel freaked out. I feel like I ate an entire 10x pot brownie. I'm afraid to move. Afraid to wake V.

Afraid to write.

Notes from the Future: Beyond the Gorge, Part I

[The following is comprised of journal entries made in the days following the quake.]

June 23
10:00 pm

I don't know where we are.
We can still hear Mt. Diablo erupting. The resemblance to Mt. Doom when we turned the car around was shocking. I always thought that Reno, Nevada was Mordor. Now Reno seems like heaven.

June 23
10:01 pm

We are being as quiet as we can. We know they can hear us. We think they may not know we came this way. 
I think I was asleep. I keep falling asleep, then I dream I'm driving.
The pain is dull. Morphine makes everything woooonderfullllllll. Except there's this part of me, this cold sharp clear part of me, that is supremely aware and awake. Been this way as long as I can remember.

A lot must have changed since that lady with her dead family came this way. The Bollinger overpass was on fire, melting and crumbling in the middle where the supports are. I think we only just got across it in time. Earthquake or just the burning river, I don't know, but it crumbled behind us.

June 23
10:09 pm
I need to STAY AWAKE!

If they find us, I've told Veronica to take him and run, there's no way I could make it in my condition. I don't want a Grizzly Man ending for her. I made her promise. I'm still not sure she'll go.

We thought we were safe, leaving those people behind us. It seemed like an official roadblock, but their uniforms were fake, or costumes. One guy was wearing the uniform of a Confederate General. Why couldn't anyone see that? Part of me worries that we were the ones who were wrong, that we ran down an actual member of the armed forces. But I saw that guy with the blood on his face and dripping from his scraggly beard at the passenger door of the Cherokee and it looked like he'd eaten a part of that woman who was screaming. He was chewing on something that looked raw.

Then the lady with the baby running, and the "soldiers" chasing her. I hope she got away somehow.
Paranoia or am I as clear as I think I am? Is doubt an effective litmus test? 

I am so tired.

V is resting. I am keeping watch. I don't know how they followed us. The Greens. All of them, even the "soldiers" and the Eating Man. They all had green glowsticks around their necks.  
Max just farted. He needs a walk. We can't risk it.

Bollinger was blocked at Talavera. I think their first roadblock was there. Streets were silent, empty. We took Talavera because there was no other way -- San Ramon Valley Road was blocked as well.  Got turned around. Ended up at Salamander or something, then Mesa Vista (Verde?), then Norris, which is what we needed, but it was blocked so we went back and we hit Bollinger on the other side of the roadblock and then Norris.

Only thing is, just as we turned left onto Norris, Veronica saw, in the rear view mirror, a tiny green light bobbing way back down Bollinger.

Someone's following us.